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Presidential Facts - President Abraham Lincoln

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President Abraham Lincoln

Before joining President Lincoln's Cabinet, William Seward had served as the 12th Governor of New York for two terms and as a U.S. Senator from New York. He was an antislavery activist who ran for President in 1860 and lost to Lincoln. 

When Lincoln was choosing his Cabinet, he appointed William Seward as his Secretary of State.  Their personalities were a good fit and they became good friends.  

What many people didn't know at the time and long afterward was that William Seward was Lincoln's speechwriter.  Lincoln's famous speech declaring Thanksgiving Day as the 4th Thursday of every November was written by Seward.

Seward also served as President Andrew Johnson's Secretary of State and he was responsible for negotiating the purchase of Alaska from the Russians in 1867 for the bargain price of $7.2 million - which came to about two cents per acre.

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