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Presidential Facts - President Gerald Ford

<img src="President Gerald Ford.png" alt="1974-1977">
President Gerald Ford

In 1940 while still attending Yale University, Gerald Ford, the future 38th President, was dating a model named Phyllis Brown. Together they were hired to pose for LOOK Magazine for a series of photographs titled "A New York Girl and Her Yale Boyfriend Spend a Holiday on Skis." The photographs brought them more modeling jobs and soon they were doing a lot of print work together.   

In April 1942, Gerald Ford appeared on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine while kissing Phyllis Brown, but he received no photographic credit because the photo was a sketch. The job called for a pose, not modeling.   

<img src="Cosmopolitan April 1942.png" alt="President Gerald Ford">
Gerald Ford, Cosmopolitan Magazine
April 1942

While working on another modeling job, Ford met his future wife, Elizabeth Anne "Betty" Bloomer, who was also working as a model.  When he returned home from the Navy, he opened a law practice and began courting Betty. They were married on October 15, 1948.  Soon after, he was elected to Congress.

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