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President Nicknames - George Washington

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Many Presidents had nicknames, but history shows us that there were more Presidents without nicknames.

George Washington had a few nicknames.

- The Father of His Country or Father of the Fatherland

- Sage of Mount Vernon

- The Sword of the Revolution

- The Farmer President

- The Surveyor President

- The Old Fox

- The American Fabius . This was in honor of his Fabian military strategy during the Revolutionary War which was to avoid battles and frontal assaults in favor of wearing down the opponent through indirection and engaging in repeated skirmishes.  (Sources: Wikipedia, Book - The True George Washington: Soldier by Paul Leicester Ford, published in 1896).

- The American Cincinnatus.  After he won the war and became a private citizen, he was the first President General of the Society of the Cincinnati, formed by Revolutionary War officers who also declined offers of power and position to return home after the war.  Fabius was a Roman statesman from the 3rd century named Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosis who became a dictator in 221 and 217 BC. His strategy was to use delaying tactics.  (Source: The True George Washington: Soldier by Paul Leicester Ford, published in 1896)

- His Highness - quipped by President John Adams. It only stuck because Adams insisted that Congress address Washington in this way. This was during the time they were still trying to decide the appropriate title for the President.

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