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The Cover of TIME Magazine - The Kennedys

The July 11, 1960 cover of TIME, with John F. Kennedy's
parents and his wife, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy

During the West Virginia Presidential primary in the spring of 1959, Senator Jack Kennedy was getting ready to speak to miners in Ravenswood.  He had been keeping a hectic schedule, making upwards of 20 speeches a day and his voice was giving out.  He needed a family member to speak for him but most of the Kennedy family members were helping out elsewhere on the campaign trail by making speeches and attending teas.  

It wouldn't be the first or the last time that someone had to speak for Jack Kennedy. He could literally tap the shoulder of anyone working on his campaign because he had the backing of sports stars, Hollywood stars, and offspring of political royalty. His well-oiled political machine ran so well that there was no fear when his campaigners spoke for him about the issues because they knew where he stood. 

 Ted, the youngest at age 28, was the closest in distance, visiting the coal mines in nearby Beckley. When he got Jack's message, he dropped everything to run to his aid.  

Ted read Jack's speech to the miners and was doing such a great job of pumping up the audience by extolling Jack's leadership abilities, that he sounded like he himself was running for office.  At the end of the speech, Jack  jumped in with a hoarse voice "I would just like to tell my brother that you cannot be elected President until you are 35 years of age.'   It got a laugh, but it also took the winds out of Ted's sails.

Brother Bobby, age 34, was his hardworking campaign manager, scheduling meetings with the influential and the wealthy. 

Sisters Eunice Kennedy Shriver, age 38; Patricia Kennedy Lawford, age 36, wife of movie star Peter Lawford, and Jean Kennedy Smith, age 32, knocked on doors, helped people to register to vote, and attended formal receptions and fundraisers.

Mother Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, age 69, held lovely afternoon teas and assisted wherever she was needed.  

Father Joseph Patrick Kennedy, age 71, was the real force behind Candidate Kennedy's political machine.  Uncharacteristically, he chose to remain silent in 1959, confident that he secured the support from people in high places so that one of his offspring would win the Presidency of the United States.

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